Children in Worship
Nurturing our children’s faith and preparing them for worship with the whole congregation. Meets thru the school year during the morning worship.
Wednesdays at Calvin
6:00 PM - Pizza is served ($2 per person)
6:30 - 7:30 PM - Class time
Lil Peeps
Available to boys and girls 4 yrs old – 1st grade. Activities include a Bible lesson, craft, and gross motor activities, all with the goal of teaching our littlest students about God’s great love shown to us through His Word.
Available to boys 2nd thru 5th grade. Activities include Bible lessons, various projects, and special events. The goal of Cadeting is to help boys to grow spiritually in all areas of life, based on Luke 2:52.
Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior – Available to girls 2nd thru 5th grade. Activities include games, crafts, and Bible lessons. The aim of GEMS is to live out Micah 6:8: Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
Middle School Youth Group
Activities and lessons for middle school aged students. Additional activities include: Retreats and special events.
Loving care is provided to our little ones (ages new born to 3 yrs old) by volunteers during worship.