Calvin Info for week of 12-22-2024
Vickie Curtis

Calvin Announcements…


Early Morning Coffee is available every Sunday starting at 9:00 AM.

Join us for Coffee Fellowship in the Family Life Center following worship.

Next Sunday’s Scripture is Matthew 2:1-12.


The church office will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday this week in observance of Christmas.  If you have announcements for the bulletin, please get them to Vickie by Monday, December 23.


Ministries this week…

  • Prayer Group: today, 9:30 AM.
  • Children in Worship: today, during worship.
  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Tuesday, 5:00 PM.
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Thursday, 8:00 AM (at Russ’ on Henry).
  • Euchre Night: Saturday, 5:00 PM.


Offerings of the Day

  • December 22 – Love INC: Helping churches distribute their skills, gifts, resources, and love to communities in need – In the Name of Christ.
  • December 29 – Western Michigan Christian Schools.
  • January 5 – Supper House: Feeding the hungry in our community by providing evening meals as a cooperative effort among area places of worship. Calvin serves on the first Monday of the month.

Unspecified offering donations will be placed in the General Fund.


Please take a moment to fill out a Connection Card if you are new to Calvin and/or would like more information on a ministry and/or have a prayer concern.  Connection Cards are located in your pew or at the Info Center.  Then, place it in the offering plate.  Thank you!


Your 2025 Offering Envelopes are in your mailbox.  If you don’t yet have envelopes and would like them, let Vickie in the office know.  Please take a moment today to empty your mailbox.


Copies of the Today Devotional for January/February are available at the Info Center in the narthex.  Pick up a copy this morning for use in your daily prayer and devotional times.  Large print copies are also available.


The Winter Calvin Callers are available in the narthex.


You’re invited to our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24th at 5:00 PM as we celebrate Jesus’ birth.  This worship service is for the entire family.  All ages are welcome and encouraged to participate.  NO nursery available.


Euchre Night meets this Saturday, December 28.  Everyone is welcome!  You may want to bring a snack to share.  Come, have fun playing tournament style euchre on the last Saturday of each month in the Family Life Center from 5-8 PM.  Any questions, see Brian Dirkse.


With the colder weather approaching, we would like to remind everyone that all Calvin Ministries cancellations will be posted to FOX 17,, WZZM TV,, and also on Facebook.


We’re updating our keycard system (ready by mid January).  If you have a current entry keycard, a new keycard will be in your mailbox soon.  As soon as your new keycard is received, please discard your old one as they will be obsolete.


Our sanctuary is equipped with an Induction Loop Assistive Listening System.  To utilize, switch your hearing aid, cochlear implant, or tactile device to “T” (Telephone) or contact your provider for assistance.



Prayer Opportunities…

Do you have a prayer concern, praise, thanks, or update?  If so, please let us know by filling out a Connection Card or you may visit/call /email the church office 231-737-5207 / so we can lift you and your loved one(s) up in prayer.


You have an open invitation to join us for Prayer Group in the Fireside Room every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 AM as we pray over the following concerns/praises.  All ages are welcome!


Please Pray for…

  • Jeane Smit as she is in Hospice care at home.
  • Sharon VanDyke as she recovers from a fall and a broken knee.
  • Carolyn Ahrens, Jim Graves, along with our other Special Friends.


Praises to Our God for…

  • His son, Jesus, our one true source of joy!
  • Family and friends of our church: Bert VanAndel, Barb Scanlon, Scott Wilbur, Emily Teusink, Alec Weick.


Moment of Thanks… 

Dear friends at Calvin Church,   

Thank you for joining together to share the transformative love of Jesus around the world!  Your church’s generosity echoes across 44 countries, equipping your missionaries and ministry leaders to walk alongside new believers and people who are seeking the love of Christ.  Through your prayer, care, and gifts, you are helping shine the light of Christ to the ends of the earth.  We couldn’t do it without you!  Mission work unites us—and your belief in God’s purpose for the entire Christian Reformed Church is a powerful reminder of the impact we can make when we work as the body of Christ.  Thank you for partnering together to join God on mission.  During all seasons—and especially during a season of giving—I hope you know how grateful Resonate is for your church’s unwavering support!  

In Christ, Kevin DeRaaf, Director 

Attention Men:  You have an open invitation to join us for breakfast/prayer at Russ’ Restaurant on Henry St. on Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM as we pray for the needs of the congregation while enjoying Christian fellowship and a wonderful breakfast.



Opportunities to Serve…

The Coffee Fellowship schedule for the first half of 2025 is now in your mailbox.  Thank you for serving in this way!


Household Pantry needs your help again!  We are continually restocking our pantry.  As you’re out shopping and seeing sales, please consider picking up an item or two for the pantry.  We are in need of the following items, new or gently used:

  • saucepans & frying pans
  • bath towels & hand towels
  • monetary donations are always appreciated



Requested Announcements…

          Year End Support for The Banner!  Help The Banner reach its annual goal of raising $500,000 by giving before December 31.  Your gift will enable The Banner to continue sharing inspiring and insightful Christian content for another full year.  Please donate now at


          DIBS On Resale, our West Michigan Christian Education Cooperative’s successful thrift store, currently has two employee openings (part-time cashiers).  For more info or to express an interest, please email Mary Workman, Store Manager, at


From Christmas devotionals and Bible studies to worship videos for the whole family, RightNow Media has something for everyone this season—and all year long.  If you would like access to this free resource, send Vickie a quick email at and she will get you set up.  Then, download the app for easy access to the video library anytime, anywhere, browse the content available to you and find series that are relevant to your life.


Give the hope of Christmas with a gift for a person in need thru the World Renew Gift Catalog (available at the Info Center). This year’s catalog includes many great gift choices for families and congregations. A goat, chicken, medicine, food, or clean water may be the powerful opportunity someone needs to take the next step out of poverty. Change a life for good this Christmas with a tangible gift from World Renew.



Order of Worship

Rev. Mak Milkamp, leading

Organ:  Joni Wagenmaker

Trumpet:  Meredith Best


Gathering Music

Welcome & Announcements

* Call to Worship

* Song:  “O Come All Ye Faithful”

Reading of Isaiah 40:3-5

Songs:  “Good Christian Men Rejoice”,Angels We Have Heard On High”

Advent Candle Lighting:  Dennis & Char Berens

* Song:  “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”

Offertory Prayer/Offering of the Day:  Love INC


Special Music: “I Wonder as I Wander” Lucile Hackett

Faithful Family Verse for December:  John 1:14

Morning Prayer:  Pastor Brian

Advent Message Series:  “Voices of the Nativity, a Storyteller’s Advent”   

Scripture:  Luke 1:26-31, 2:8-15

Message:  “Angels”

* Song:  “Joy to the World”

* Words of Blessing

* Closing Song: “Joy to the World”

* Parting Music


* Please stand if you are able.