Calvin Info for week of 9-15-2024
Vickie Curtis

Calvin Announcements…


Early Morning Coffee is available every Sunday starting at 9:00 AM.

Join us for Coffee Fellowship in the Family Life Center following worship.


Ministries this week…

  • Prayer Group: today, 9:30 AM.
  • Children in Worship: begins today, during worship.
  • High School Youth Group: today, 4:00 – 5:30 PM.
  • Hearts & Hands Ministry: Monday, 1:00 PM
  • Wednesdays at Calvin: Wednesday, 6:00 – 7:30 PM.
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Russ’ on Henry): Thursday, 8:00 AM.


Meetings this week…

  • Executive: Monday, 7:00 PM.


Upcoming Events (mark your calendar)

  • Afternoon Bible Study: Monday, September 23, 1:00 PM.
  • Friendship Mentor Meeting: Thursday, September 26, 6:30 PM.


Offerings of the Day

  • September 15 – Western Michigan Christian Schools.
  • September 22 – Youth for Christ (West Michigan): a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
  • September 29 – Household Pantry of Calvin: donated household items distributed to those in need in our community.

Unspecified offering donations will be placed in the General Fund.


Next Sunday’s Scripture will be Psalm 3.


Please take a moment to fill out a Connection Card if you are new to Calvin and/or would like more information on a ministry and/or have a prayer concern.  Connection Cards are located in your pew or at the Info Center.  Then, place it in the offering plate.  Thank you!


Calvin Church is helping to preserve God’s creation by recycling.  There is a list in the kitchen of cleaned/rinsed items that can be placed in two recycling bins or a large Ames can by the dumpster outside.  Thanks for pitching in!


Are you a volunteer for any one of our Children’s Ministries?  If you answered yes, have you checked your mailbox recently?   There may be a Background Check form waiting for you.  If you received one, please take a moment to fill it out and return it to Courtney as soon as possible.


Children in Worship is for children 4 years old – 5th grade.  We meet downstairs in the Education hallway.  Our Classrooms open at 9:50 AM.  Parents, please bring your child(ren) downstairs to sign them in each week.  After church is over, come downstairs to pick them up or you may give us permission on the sign-up sheet to send them upstairs.


The Afternoon Bible Study will meet next Monday, September 23rd (note date change) at 1:00 PM in the Fireside Room.  We are studying the book of James.  It will be streamed live on Facebook and available afterwards for those who are unable to attend or watch the live stream.  Bible Study meets on the first and third Mondays of each month.  Please join us as we begin a new year!


Our puzzles have a “new home” in the Fireside Room.  We have a new bookcase filled with puzzles…all sizes.  Feel free to share/you’re your puzzles!  Thank you to Char & Dennis Berens for helping us acquire the new bookcase, and a huge thanks to Dennis for assembling it and securely attaching it to the wall.  Take a peek over by the grandfather clock.  We noticed many new puzzles have been added, so thank you to everyone for getting involved in this project!


If you requested a copy of the 2024/2025 Church Directory, it’s in your church mailbox or your home mailbox.  Keep in mind the online directory is always up-to-date!  The Instant Church Directory app is easy to use!  See Vickie for instructions.


Defibrillator Safety Reminder:  You will find our AED Defibrillator in the narthex by the back doors.  There is also a First Aid kit available.


Our sanctuary is equipped with an Induction Loop Assistive Listening System.  To utilize, switch your hearing aid, cochlear implant, or tactile device to “T” (Telephone) or contact your provider for assistance.


Another way to give at Calvin is through VENMO.  Go to our website,, click on the GIVE tab and follow the steps.  Or go to your Venmo app, search for the Profile Name; Calvin-Muskegon (profile pic is our tree logo, verification code: 0082), then follow steps.



Prayer Opportunities…

Attention Men:  You have an open invitation to join us for breakfast/prayer at Russ’ Restaurant on Henry St. on Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM as we pray for the needs of the congregation while enjoying Christian fellowship and a wonderful breakfast.


Do you have a prayer concern, praise, thanks, or update?  If so, please let us know by filling out a Connection Card or you may visit/call /email the church office 231-737-5207 / so we can lift you and your loved one(s) up in prayer.


You have an open invitation to join us for Prayer Group in the Fireside Room every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 AM as we pray over the following concerns/praises.  All ages are welcome!


Please Pray for…

  • Jim & Barb Bartkowiak as Jim continues his struggle with MDS.
  • Jim Graves as he continues his battle with cancer.
  • Earl & Pat Lewis, Wilma Pontius, along with our other Special Friends.


Praises to Our God for…

  • The smile on my face, love in my heart, trust in Your Name, and You in my thoughts.
  • Family and friends of our church: Carrie Hewitt, Lucas Dethloff, Henriet Meyers, Janet Sorensen, Tom Mellema.



Opportunities to Serve…

Do you have an idea for our Fall Life Groups?  They will be starting next month!  Life Groups are groups of 8-15 people that will meet for six weeks, once a week.  The groups will focus on various areas of ministry, service, faith learning, fellowship, and Biblical understanding.  If you have an idea or would like to lead a group, please see Pastor Mark or any staff member.  Sign-ups will be starting soon.


Friendship Ministry needs 3 more mentors/volunteers from our Calvin family.  This is a ministry for adults with developmental disabilities that meets for 1 hour a week (7-8 PM) on 3 Thursdays a month from October thru April (with the month of February off).  No prep is required… the only requirement is to be a friend.  We sing, share, pray, laugh, eat together and have special events.  We start our season with a pizza party on October 3, then our first lesson will be on October 10.  See Jan Weiden if you have questions or if you’d like to join our team.


Praise Team members needed!  Do you play an instrument, like to sing, or maybe both?  We would love for you to share your talents with us.  See Craig Folger, Worship Director, if you have any questions or if you are interested in joining our team.


Are you willing to share a story with our young ones?  Children’s Messages are a part of worship on Family Worship Sundays.  Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board by the drinking fountain.  Family Worship Sundays (No Children in Worship) are Communion Sundays… Holidays… Summertime.



Requested Announcements…

FAMILY FIRE is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at  Subscribe for regular email updates and/or connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.



Order of Worship…

Rev. Mark Milkamp, leading

Acoustic Guitar:  Craig Folger

Piano/Organ:  Joni Wagenmaker

Praise Team:  Craig Folger, Ted Hewitt, Bruce Hoffman, Scott Huyser, Doug LaFayette, Dave Mellema


Gathering Music:  “Our God” -Praise Team


* Call to Worship

* Songs of Praise and Worship:  “Good, Good Father”, “I Love You, Lord”

Offertory Prayer/Offering of the Day:  W.M. Christian Schools


  Song:  “Fairest Lord Jesus”

Faithful Family Verse for September:  1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Morning Prayer

Scripture:  Psalm 1

Message:  “Streams of Water”

* Song:  “Our God Reigns (How Lovely On the Mountains)”

* Words of Blessing

* Closing Song:  “Doxology”

* Parting Music


* Please stand if you are able.