Calvin Info for week of 3-9-2025
Calvin Announcements…
Early Morning Coffee is available every Sunday starting at 9:00 AM.
Join us for Coffee Fellowship in the Family Life Center following worship.
Next Sunday’s Scripture will be John 13:1-20.
Ministries this week…
- Prayer Group: today, 9:30 AM.
- High School Youth Group: today, 4:00 PM.
- Hearts & Hands: Monday, 1:00 PM.
- CRCNA Annual Day of Prayer: all day.
- Wednesdays at Calvin: Wednesday, 6:00 PM.
- Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Thursday, 8:00 AM (at Russ’ on Henry).
- Friendship Ministry: Thursday, 7:00 PM.
- Book Club: Friday, 10:00 AM.
- Household Pantry: Saturday, 9:45 AM.
Upcoming Event…
- Spring Salad Luncheon Potluck: Sunday, March 30, after worship.
- High School Youth Group Backpacking Trip to Pictured Rocks: June 19-22.
- SERVE Muskegon: July 12-19.
Offerings of the Day…
- March 9 – Youth for Christ (YFC): A movement that reaches young people with the hope of Christ, working with the local church to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
- March 16 – Fresh Coast Alliance: transforming the lives of those affected by incarceration and addiction; as we hope, learn, work, heal, and dream together in Christ.
- March 23 – Western Michigan Christian Schools.
Unspecified offering donations will be placed in the General Fund.
Please take a moment to fill out a Connection Card if you… are new to Calvin; would like more information on a ministry; have a prayer concern. Connection Cards are located in your pew or at the Info Center (by the kitchen). Then, place it in the offering plate. Thank you!
During Lent we are all encouraged to take on a new challenge each week (rather than or along with letting something go, which is a typical practice during Lent). These challenges will be focused on Mission & Outreach. See the insert for this week’s Lent Challenge.
Calvin Members: there are Elder and Deacon Nomination forms in your bulletin today. Please be praying/thinking of who you feel would be a good match for these positions. Nominations are due by Sunday, March 30th. You may place completed forms in the basket in the church office.
Council would like to share the following update with the Congregation: Council acknowledges that the congregational vote to expand the Narthex and remodel the Sanctuary passed by majority vote. Going forward, we will have all funds in place, pledged, or raised before beginning construction. In the meantime, we will do all that we can to offer opportunities for listening, feedback, answering questions, and finding ways to allow the congregation’s input into various decisions along the way. This motion was passed unanimously.
Activity Tote Bags are available for kids during worship today and are located in the narthex. Feel free to grab one as you head into worship. Before you leave, please return totes with books/toys.
Hearts & Hands will meet in the Fireside Room tomorrow (March 10) at 1:00 PM. We invite all who would like to be a part of this ministry to join us for the meeting, dessert, and fellowship.
The Spring Caller News (for April/May/June) is due this Wednesday, March 12th, by 2PM. Please place your article/news on Vickie’s desk or email Don’t forget to include meeting dates/times for the church calendar also. Thank you!
Recycling is going strong at Calvin! Please remember to thoroughly rinse or wash items, discard caps, and place in recycling bins. There is a poster in the kitchen to refer to. Thanks to everyone for pitching in!
Check out our church website! Go to (Calvin Church Muskegon) to find worship services, calendar of events, bulletin info, children & youth ministries info, denomination info, and much more.
Our sanctuary is equipped with an Induction Loop Assistive Listening System. To utilize, switch your hearing aid, cochlear implant, or tactile device to “T” (Telephone) or contact your provider for assistance.
Another way to give at Calvin is through VENMO. Go to our website,, click on the GIVE tab and follow the steps. Or go to your Venmo app, search for the Profile Name; Calvin-Muskegon (profile pic is our tree logo, verification code: 0082), then follow steps.
Prayer Opportunities…
Do you have a prayer concern, praise, thanks, or update? If so, please let us know by filling out a Connection Card or you may visit/call /email the church office 231-737-5207 / so we can lift you and your loved one(s) up in prayer.
You have an open invitation to join us for Prayer Group in the Fireside Room every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 AM as we pray over the following concerns/praises. All ages are welcome!
Please Pray for…
- Jim Graves as he recovers from a broken arm after a fall and still endures his battle with cancer.
- Jeane Smit as she is in Hospice care at home.
- Marcia Tortorice, John Wickerink, along with our other Special Friends (Homebound).
Praises to Our God for…
- Grace and Mercy, for the hunger for righteousness, for forgiveness, for purity, for providing for our needs.
- Family and friends of our church: Darlene Hewitt, Karen Swords, Shannon Wall, Carolyn Hagen, Greg Kamp.
Attention Men: You have an open invitation to join us for breakfast/prayer at Russ’ Restaurant on Henry St. on Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM as we pray for the needs of the congregation while enjoying Christian fellowship and a wonderful breakfast.
Opportunities to Serve…
Do you have an idea for our Spring Life Groups? They will be starting after Easter! Life Groups are groups of 8-15 people that will meet for six weeks, once a week. The groups will focus on various areas of ministry, service, faith learning, fellowship, and Biblical understanding. If you have an idea or would like to lead a group, please see Pastor Mark or Pastor Brian.
High School Youth Group is looking for snack providers! Each Sunday afternoon when we meet, we offer the kids snacks. Would you be willing to bring a delicious treat for the High School students? We typically have 15-20 kids. You can bring the treats Sunday morning and Youth Leaders will put the snacks out for Youth Group later in the day. If you are willing, please see the new sign-up sheet above the drinking fountain. If you have questions, see Courtney Kingshott.
Are you willing to share a story with our young ones? Children’s Messages are a part of worship on Family Worship Sundays. A new sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board by the drinking fountain. Family Worship Sundays (No Children in Worship) are Communion Sundays… Holidays… Summertime. If you have questions, see Courtney Kingshott.
Requested Announcements…
RightNow Media is a streaming library of the world’s largest biblical video resources for the entire family that inspire faith every day of the week. Click on the Link or text CALVINCRC to 49775 for easy access to the video library anytime, anywhere, browse the content available to you and find series that are relevant to your life.
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED! Western Michigan Christian High School is excited to welcome international students for the 2025-2026 school year, but we need your help! Would you consider opening your home to an international student for the upcoming school year? Join us for an Informational meeting on April 1, at 6:30 PM, in the Big Room at WMCHS. This meeting will provide you with all the information you need to decide if hosting is the right fit for your family. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, hear more about the program, and learn what hosting entails. There’s no obligation—just an opportunity to explore whether this might be an enriching and missional opportunity for you! Coffee and cookies provided! Please RSVP to Madison Kintigh at by March 30th.
Order of Worship…
Rev. Brian Kingshott, leading
Piano: Joni Wagenmaker
Acoustic Guitar: Justin Staley
Flute: Linda Gould
Drums: John Konyndyk
Praise Team: Audrey Kingshott, Justin Staley, Wendy Hoogstra
Gathering Music
Welcome & Announcements
* Call to Worship
* Songs of Praise and Worship: “Oh the Deep, Deep Love”, “What a Beautiful Name”, “There Is a Redeemer”
Offertory Prayer/Offering of the Day: Youth for Christ – West Michigan
Children’s Message: Barb Beecham
Faithful Family Verse for March: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Lenten Challenge
Morning Prayer: Pastor Mark
Lenten Series: The Character of God
Message: “Save Me From This Hour” Scripture: John 12:20-26
Explanation and Profession of our Faith
Prayer, Meditation, and Words of Institution
** We Come to the Table
Thank Offering for Benevolence (envelopes available in the pew)
Song “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”
* Words of Blessing
* Closing Song: “Nothing but the Blood”
* Parting Music
* Please stand if you are able.
** If you are unable or uncomfortable please remain seated and an elder will bring Communion to you.