Summer Calvin Caller
Vickie Curtis

A Praying Church…

Prayer makes a difference! Covering each other in prayer is so important in the family of God.  His power is seen when His people join together in prayer for one another.  God hears every prayer, and He has the power to work mightily in any given situation.

Please keep in mind, as we go through ups and downs in our lives, it’s important to acknowledge our blessings through prayer as well as our needs.

It’s so comforting to know we have a church family that is holding us up in prayer.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

There are many opportunities here at Calvin to encourage a strong prayer life.  Take a look at this list of ways to get involved through prayer…

►  Prayer Group meets in the Fireside Room every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 AM.  Feel free to join this group as they pray over many concerns and praises in our congregation.  All ages are welcome!

►  Our Council has a time of prayer before each of their meetings asking for wisdom, caring hearts, and the will of God to be present as they lead.  Our teams/committees incorporate prayer in their meetings also.

►  Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets each Thursday at Russ’ on Henry St. beginning at 8:00 AM.  Prayers for the needs of our congregation are lifted up while they enjoy Christian fellowship and a wonderful breakfast.  All men, you have an open invitation to join them.

►  Prayer Chains are very beneficial in getting the word out so we can pray over many concerns in our church family, for our families and friends, our community, our world.  We have an email prayer chain and a Facebook prayer chain.  If you would like to be added to either of these groups, please see me in the office.

►  Prayer Quilts are made (through Hearts & Hands) for members who are near the end of their earthly journey.  The quilt is then on display on a Sunday morning for everyone to offer prayer for this person and their family.  It is then given to them for comfort during this difficult time.

Again, prayer makes a difference!  I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and pray for the needs that you see before you, right there and then.  Let prayer be the gift you give to a friend by helping bear their burden.

Once again, prayer makes a difference!  Share your prayer concerns with your loving, prayerful church family.  We can forget the depth of His compassion when we feel overwhelmed with burdens and pain. In those moments, there is nothing so welcome as the prayer of a friend directing us back to our loving God who longs to carry the weight for us.  We have a big God, let Him carry your burdens.

Offering to pray for someone or entering into prayer with someone is a free and powerful gift you can give to anyone you meet.

~ Vickie Curtis, Administrative Assistant


Pickleball at Calvin

Pickleball was started at Calvin by John & Peggy DeHoog about 20 years ago.  There is play on Mondays and Tuesdays for a total of 14 hours each week.

At the present time, Maryann Wolffis, Joella Lamont and Ed Sundbeck coordinate the morning session (intermediate) and Paula Martin is in charge of the afternoon session (advanced).  There is a $3.00 donation.  Hearts & Hands has the responsibility and privilege of deciding (with approval from Council) which ministries, committees, non-profit organizations (locally and worldwide) will receive donations from the Pickleball Fund.

The players gave $4,630 for the remote Budget Blind in the FLC (this blind covers the doors as you enter the FLC).  The players also donate money for pickleballs and any other pickleball related items that are needed.

Also, the following ministries/organizations have been blessed by Pickleball donations:

Household Pantry                                           Step Up

Feeding America breakfast                           Community enCompass

Hearts & Hands                                             Musk. Community Health Project

Youth Group Mission trip (St. Thomas)         MAD House

Resonate Global Missions                              World Renew

Starlite Ministry                                              Trinity Lutheran meds for Guatemala

Fellowship Ministry (church picnic)                Heartwood Lodge (crafts & devotionals)

Calvin Nursery remodel                                  First Reformed Ravenna (rebuild)

GEMS Blanket project                                    World Renew (Hurricane Ian)

MERGE                                                          World Renew (Ukraine)

Furniture for basement                                   Family Promise of the Lakeshore

Blessing Fund                                                Dominion Republic Service & Learning trip Muskegon Rescue Mission

Sarah Cousins (Young Life in Spain) Salvation Army             Supper House

Children’s Ministry                                          Lester Gonzalez memorial

SERVE (speakers & work projects)               “Thankful For You” gift cards

Family Advent devotionals                              Children’s Christmas books

Gas cards for college students                       Christmas gift cards for Family Promise (children)

Cuba Service & Learning trip

Our guidelines for these donations:

We give to outreach programs, church ministries, non-profit community organizations & global organizations

  1. How much money is requested?  (We have set a limit of $500, but realize every situation is different and may need to be adjusted)
  1. What is the money being used for?
  2. Will this be a one-time request & we would like request in writing?
  3. Will more money be coming from another source?
  4. If the money is matched, should we give less?
  5. Person asking for money should be excused when we make our decision.

~ MaryAnn Wolffis, Pickleball Coordinator


Hearts & Hands…

The Hearts and Hands Committee will not meet during the months of July and August.  However, the work of our various areas of ministry will continue throughout the summer.

Again, we would like to thank those of you who continue to provide support and assistance in carrying out the various functions of this committee.  We appreciate you!

We would like to also extend a special thank you to the Life Group this spring called Fruits of the Freezer.  This group worked together to prepare meals which can be kept in the freezer at church and then delivered to those in need of some help with meal preparation.

This committee has been granted the privilege and responsibility of distributing funds collected from the pickleball players.  In March, Pastor Brian presented information on the service and learning trip to Cuba which will take place on July 19-26.  There are 21 participants signed up for the trip. He requested a donation of $200.00 per participant from the Pickleball Fund.  This request was approved.

Our members also decided that we would like to provide additional support by choosing one or more of the participants as prayer partners for the trip.  We pray that each participant will be blessed by this experience and will be a blessing to those they serve.

The following ministries have also recently received donations from the Pickleball Fund:

Resonate Global Missions (matching fund donation)

Muskegon Rescue Mission (matching fund donation)

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 1:00 PM in the Fireside Room. We always welcome new members and hope that you will consider joining us this fall.

~ Antje Waldo, Secretary


Fellowship Team…

Upcoming Events:

☼ Calvin Car Show on Sunday, July 21st

☼ Volunteer “Sundae” in August (date TBA):  ice cream and hot fudge sundaes in appreciation of Calvin Church Volunteers during Coffee Fellowship after worship.

If you have an interest in helping out for any event, please contact Bert VanAndel 231-327-2744.  It promises to be fun and a good way to get to know each other better.  Thank you to so many of you who help make this a special part of the social life of Calvin Church.

Fellowship Duties:

Kitchen Manager:  Bert VanAndel

Fellowship Event Coordinators:  Bert VanAndel (along with a team)

Coffee Fellowship Coordinator (following worship):  Kathy Jansen

Early Morning Coffee Hosts (before worship):  Anita Hasper & Ken Sherburn

Allergan Specialist:  Sue Milkamp

Special Event Cakes:  Vickie Curtis

Funeral Coordinators:  Nancy Mellema & Vickie Curtis

Youth Group Snacks (Sunday afternoons):  Kathy Jansen (looking for more volunteers)

~ Bert VanAndel, Kitchen Manager


Muskegon SERVE 2024… 

is fast approaching!  80 students and leaders are coming to stay at Calvin Church the week of July 6-13 and will go out each day to bless others in our community.  They’ll be fed well and will also have worship each night!  This is a powerful week that has a lasting impact on our community, the students (who come from other places, but also our own), and our church.  WE NEED YOUR HELP!

  • We need volunteers each day to help make SERVE happen. Check out the sheets on the table in the narthex to see where you can lend a hand.  There are still many spaces to fill.  Ask Pastor Brian or Bill Sorensen if you have any questions.
  • We also need many more Prayer Partners to pray for each student throughout the week. See Joni Wagenmaker if you have questions about prayer partners.
  • We are also looking for a few more Project Coordinators who will oversee a job(s), be the contact person, and give a hand if needed. See Dennis Berens if you have questions about project coordinators.
  • Finally, there are still some food donation needs on the board at the Info Center. See Kathy Jansen if you have questions about food donations.

THANK YOU, Calvin Church family, for faithfully supporting Muskegon SERVE year in and year out.

~ Pastor Brian Kingshott, Host Team Coordinator


Family Promise

As we serve on the board, we continually see God at work in bringing hope and a fresh start to people in our community who have been going through very hard times.  This month Family Promise was able to assist 3 families in finding stable and safe housing.  Here’s an example of one family who found a new beginning though the assistance of the staff at Family Promise.

The Jones-Smith family came to Family Promise of the Lakeshore after being chronically homeless for several years.  The father, Brandon, came into the program without any form of identification including state ID or social security card.  He had never lived in a home of his own and was unemployed.  The staff immediately worked with Brandon, so he was able to secure his state ID card and social security card and helped him with job and housing searches.  Kali, the mom, came into our program having only been able to hold onto secure housing for a 6-month period before being evicted.  We began job searches with Kali and secured a job at Little Caesars.  Kali began housing searches
and filling out housing applications.  The family’s youngest son, 4 yr. old Braxtin, was not enrolled in preschool and needed to be evaluated, so we set Kali and Brandon up with an early-on worker for their youngest son.  Family Promise of the Lakeshore was able to reunite the family with their oldest son, 8 yr. old Justin, who had not lived with his parents for the past few years. We worked closely with the Muskegon Heights Housing Commission, and we were able to secure housing for this family in just under 1 month.  

To recap, in less than a month, the Jones-Smith family, who were chronically homeless, were able to get the proper identification and social security cards, started working with an early on worker, gained employment, reunited with their oldest son and secured safe and stable housing.

We’re excited to see what God is doing through this vital ministry and want to encourage you to support this ministry by assisting Jan VanHouten and Lucile Hackett in providing meals and by your financial gifts.  You can give through our Offering of the Day as they occur or directly by sending a gift to Family Promise of the Lakeshore, 2160 Crozier Ave., Muskegon, MI 49441.

~ Bonnie and Carl Bergman, Family Promise Board Members


Faithful Family Verse of the Month… 

We use a designated verse(s) in some way during worship on a monthly basis.  Our hope is that this verse(s) will go home with you and be in your heart and mind during each month.  You will find our monthly verse used in various ways during the month.  You can find this focus verse in the bulletin, on Facebook, and on our website.  Let’s keep digging into God’s Word together.


Among Ourselves…

How to Find our Event Calendar:  Go to our website…  Scroll down to events, click on “Upcoming Events”, scroll down to the calendar.



2024 College Graduates…

LaPrea Brown – Degree in Early Childhood Development from Spring Arbor University

Anna Konyndyk – Associate’s Degree in Veterinary Technology from Baker College

Coy Lakatos – Major in Human Resource Management & Minor in Legal Studies and Hospitality Services from Central from Central Michigan University


2024 High School Graduates…

Stacie Bannink – Mona Shores High School

Luke Dethloff – Mona Shores High School

Eleanor Kingshott – Western Michigan Christian High School

Laken Konyndyk – Western Michigan Christian High School

Elise Lenertz – Western Michigan Christian High School

Danny Maat – Western Michigan Christian High School

Landon Spoon (the Spoon’s grandson) – Whitehall High School

Beymi Tapia – Western Michigan Christian High School


Anniversaries:  Our best wishes to the following couples who are celebrating their anniversaries in July, August, September (50+ years together) …

Rocky & Nancy Spoon celebrating 51 years on July 20.

John & Yvonne Wyn celebrating 67 years on July 25.

Chuck & Sara Wilks celebrating 67 years on July 26.

Howard & Marie Allen celebrating 66 years on August 9.

Verne & Jan VanHouten celebrating 56 years on August 23.

Vern & Joyce Borgman celebrating 56 years on August 24.

Tom & Suzanne Shepherd celebrating 52 years on August 26

Lou & Kathy Gifford celebrating 51 years on August 31.

Tom & Cheryl Veldman celebrating 58 years on September 9.

Bill & Louise Ypema celebrating 52 years on September 9.

Ted & Darlene Hewitt celebrating 54 years on September 25.

Bob & Ruth Keessen celebrating 63 years on September 29.


July Birthdays:

July 3 – Ron MayCroft                 July 13 – Courtney Kingshott         July 19 – Jaxen DuBridge

July 3 – Laurie VanDonkelaar      July 14 – Bob Hoffius                    July 20 – Hudson Milkamp

July 3 – Craig Folger                   July 14 – Pastor Mark Milkamp       July 22 – Meira Clapp

July 4 – Tami Radke                    July 14 – Karson Wall                     July 23 – Shirley Fisher

July 4 – Kaylie Semelbauer          July 15 – Rocky Spoon                  July 23 – Kathy Gifford

July 4 – Caleb Hyma                   July 15 – Bill Workman                  July 24 – Merlin McPheron

July 6 – John Mellema                 July 15 – Gary Wickerink               July 24 – Tim Bannink

July 8 – Carter Paquin                July 16 – Lois Veenstra                 July 24 – Beth Postema

July 9 – Bob Scanlon                  July 16 – Louise Ypema                 July 24 – Dan Best

July 9 – Sherry Apostle                July 16 – Kyle Wolffis                    July 26 – Pat Lewis

July 9 – Kyli Geoghan                  July 16 – Grace Murray                 July 30 – Brenda DeWind

July 10 – Barb Scanlon                                                                      July 30 – Jamie Peterman

July 10 – Damon VanHouten        July 17 – Lisa Willea                      July 31 – Kathy Bowmaster

July 13 – Jeanne Maycroft           July 18 – Jack Curtis

July 13 – Tom Shepherd              July 19 – Mary Lane


August Birthdays:

Aug 1 – Isabelle Eshman              Aug 9 – Anita Hasper                     Aug 22 – R’Na Komarek

Aug 2 – Kristen Dethloff                Aug 10 – Sharon VanDyke            Aug 23 – Antje Waldo

Aug 2 – Elijah VerMerris                Aug 11 – John Dood                      Aug 23 – Kyle Witt

Aug 3 – Bradey Grimm                 Aug 15 – Bob Keessen                   Aug 23 – Lauren Bowes

Aug 3 – Tyler Muskovin                Aug 15 – Christie VanHouten         Aug 25 – Henriet Meyers

Aug 4 – Olivia Moulatsiois            Aug 16 – Erin Sova                         Aug 27 – Wayne VanderWel

Aug 5 – Jay Milkamp                    Aug 17 – Char Sikkenga                 Aug 29 – Kathy Brown

Aug 5 – Don Willea                      Aug 17 – Zeta Lakatos                   Aug 31 – Juanita Fowler

Aug 6 – Gary Katerberg                Aug 20 – Jene’ Grimm

Aug 8 – Nancy Elliott                    Aug 21 – Amelia Oppenhuizen


September Birthdays:

Sept 1 – Cheryl Searles               Sept 11 – Jana Sneller                  Sept 21 – Bobbi Lakatos

Sept 1 – Emma Nummerdor        Sept 11 – Eliana Nicholas              Sept 22 – Val VanWoerkom

Sept 2 – Len Hartman                 Sept 14 – Jeff Hopkins                  Sept 24 – Jean Wilbur

Sept 3 – Ron Rop                        Sept 14 – Robin Semelbauer          Sept 24 – Beth Slater

Sept 5 – Kelsey Folger                Sept 15 – Len Fisher                     Sept 25 – Kurt Wolffis

Sept 8 – Joyce Borgman             Sept 16 – Ray VanVoorthuysen      Sept 27 – Stacie Bannink

Sept 10 – Mark Meengs                            ꜛ 100th ☺                          Sept 29 – Karen Swords

Sept 10 – Isla Folger                   Sept 18 – Darlene Dirkse                Sept 30 – Casey Gould

Sept 11 – Matt Russell               Sept 20 – Colson Russell


Directory Info…

  • IMPORTANT! Our Printed Directory will be updated in July.  We will only be printing a limited number of these directories.  If you want a copy, make sure to sign your name to the “I Want a Printed Directory” list at the Info Center.
  • If you have changes (address, phone, email, etc.) for the directory during the year, please let Vickie know and updates will be put in this section of the seasonal Calvin Caller (but will not be included in the Calvin Caller on the website).
    • Have you updated your family photo recently? If your answer is yes, we would like to include it in our Online Directory!  Please take a moment to email it to Vickie in the office at  I encourage you to see the directory as a living document, reflecting our congregation’s dynamic nature.  Help me keep it updated!
    • The Online Church Directory is very user friendly! Call, text or send an email right from the app on your smartphone.  All info is updated regularly.  Download the app and get started today!  Call the office or stop in if you need instructions.